Sunday, November 24, 2013

Finishing Up My Little Pony Decorate Your Own Blank Pony

I first started this earlier this year, then the sudden summer heat happened, Mercury Retrograde, and then job issues. New job, and a string of fortunately inconvenient out of control, needlessly unnecessary obstacles constantly popping up 1 after another. Never ending!

I also have some dings, and imperfections because of the insensitivity of my spouse.

SO, once I found a paint in a color I liked as the base coat, I had to paint several coats. My first try went badly, so I started over here. You can see the disaster in my previous blog entry about this process.

I had to be incredibly patient, because of the summer New England humidity, which made the process longer than usual.

As you can tell the head was also removed, and the hair was wrapped up.

Here's her head after several coats of paint, and masking fluid on the eyes.

Once that was totally set, I could move onto adding the metallic paint coats.

Here's just the first or second coat.

After starting to paint metallic coats on the body:

Once the body was fully painted with metallic, and the paint was set, I painted my "Black UniGryphon" logo on it. I also used markers. And glitter paints as well.

Under the logo, you can see that I painted a more reddish purple gradient to make the logo stand out more.

Doing some accents on the feet. I saw a few different pony painters do different things. So, I thought I'd try my own.

Here's the feet:

After several base coats of mat yellow, I can paint it over in metallic gold paint coats.

The head after more metallic paint coats:

Adding metallic gold accents to the head, and adding a bindi. The bindi was a vintage piece of jewelry from the 1980s made with 1/2 of a black pearl, and silver. I do not understand how it broke, but I did wear it every day. It was a necklace pendant.

As for the eyelids, I was trying to experiment with purples, but you couldn't tell, so I went with a turquoise with a hint of green in it.

After I took off the masking fluid from the eyes, I painted in the eyes with mat black paint in several coats, and I also used 3 different black markers.

After all kinds of mixed media, like markers, paints, glitter paints, and mother of pearl, and also glaze, and many other accents, etc. It's time to put her head on... of course, after waiting a loooooooong, time for the layers of paints, inks, and glaze dries.

I based the eye designs on some ponies from the 2000s, which would have stars or hearts on the eyes. So, on a whim, I went with hearts. 

Glazed the body in several layers also, added the heart to one of the forelegs.

I used a vintage professional graphic art marker to do the heart by TRI pantone.

I added some rhinestones to the accents on her breast. That was so much friggin' trouble to do! And, glazing over it took forever to dry!

Stay tuned for the final results.

I will be adding the final photos and final results here on this blog, and also on my DeviantART Gallery.

You can also follow me on Twitter & Tumblr, as well as in pinterest.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Nightmare Moon Carved Pumpkin Jack-O'-Lantern

Here she is!

My hand carved Nightmare Moon pumpkin Jack-O'-Lantern!

Klick the Deviant Art one for the HDR version.

You know me! I LOVE My Little Pony, and I especially love BLACK UNICORNS!

This is no exception! Here is Nightmare Moon AKA Princess Luna. As with the typical theme os Black Unicorns, she is also a misunderstood, deeply wounded personality, and not truly bad.

But, we still like her to dress up and scare the crap out of us!

I carved this by hand using my old vintage X-ACTO knife from 1994. Seriously!
I worked on this from about 4pm-8pm. So, about 4 hours, including: washing, gutting the pulp & seeds, pre-production marker sketching layout, layered carving, rewashing, candle prep, lighting, photography, photo importing, HDR tone mapping, photoshop editing, etc.

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic is an animated series by Hasbro.

Nightmare Moon Carved pumpkin Jack O Lantern HDR by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART 

Black UniGryphon Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman-Wang 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Spirtual Cult Art Theif "Ozz Spirit" Robs artwork by Black UniGryphon

This has GOT to be THE weirdest kind of art theft I have EVER come across! EVER!

My art got highjacked by a cult!

So-called spiritual folks, that ROB art from artists, remove your name, and sell it for... get this: $10,000 to their cult followers!

  The website is: Ozz Spirit Conjurations

Their slogan is "Bring Benefits to All"


All to promote their made-up religion!

Here's my originals:

Low Res' Qilin Profile by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Dujiao Qilin 01 Profile by ~BlackUniGryphon on deviantART

Have you ever read this stuff????

And, in the comments, these folks are falling for this bullshit!

Hello!!!! Earth some functioning brains!

They're ROBBING YOU TOO!!!!! 

Don't give them your money!